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I am a fan of milk and coconut water.

Somehow i'm wondering how it's taste if it's mixed up together at once, until the Frisian Flag invited me to their new product launching event (Sept 27th 2016), and it is their new flavour of milk called Frisian Flag Purefarm COCONUT Delight.

The event ceremony was held on the most authentic Hotel in Indonesia, the Ritz Carlton SCBD, Jakarta.

The theme of it's event was like we were on the beach, as they put every each of the people with flowery necklace and we were welcomed by the "Hawaii-ish dancers". What an experience!

And back to the product, this is like something that I wanted the most for a long time and now it's coming in front of me directly, and I just so excited to take a sip.

AMAZINGLY, the flavour of the milk and the coconut are perfectly blended and their just created a new refreshment flavour in one sip. It has a quite good level of sweetness, the milk is not too thick, and the coconut is like flowing in your mouth softly. SO GOOD!

But I'm sure that maybe each one of you thinking that it could be the same taste with 'Coconut Water', in Indonesia it's called 'Santan'. You all wrong fellas! It is totally different, and it turns out to be a mind-blowing drinks for you!

Well, after all, it's going back to our preferences, and every people has it's own opinion, but, as I wrote that I'm a fan of milk and coconut water at the beginning, so I can say that Frisian Flag is so clever to refresh the ordinary milk becomes an extraordinary Coconut Milk, FIVE STARS from me. And for you guys, that maybe are quite an average fan of those beverages, I think you guys should give it a try, because it is worth to drink.


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